What you need to know about building your own personal business from the ground up.


Myths about Being an Entrepreneur

I found an interesting site that discusses some common myths about being an entrepreneur, and I found them pretty insightful, so I want to share them.

Lie #1- If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.
Basically, you must learn to delegate!  You are there to manage.  Assign out anything that you don't enjoy doing or anything that can be done for cheaper if you have someone else do it.

Lie #2- You have to give up your personal life to grow a small business.
In the beginning, long hours will be required.  Build up a strong team for yourself and delegate.  It's overwhelming trying to do all of the work yourself.  You will burn yourself out, so get a different plan set up quickly.

Lie #3- Once you have a small business, you can never take a vacation.
It is necessary that you take some time to wind down, unplug and refresh yourself.  You will find that when you return from a vacation, you will be inspired with new ideas and feel more motivated.

Lie #4- Being self-employed is the same as owning a business.
These are two separate things.  Owning a business means you are making money even when you aren't working.  Being self-employed means that if you take a vacation or a sick-day, you will be losing out on a bit of money here and there.  This is why it is essential for you to build up a team to create a real business that can run smoothly regardless of if you are there are not.

Below is a link to the site where these thoughts rooted from:


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